Home NewsPeninsulaCampeche Empowerment of women in Campeche

Empowerment of women in Campeche

by Yucatan Times
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Within the framework of International Women’s Day, the fight of women in search of gender equality is commemorated, both in society and in their individual development as a person.

In Campeche, in recent years, women have gained strength in their political participation, a situation that seemed difficult in the state.

Today, among the important political positions, ot of a 100% of these political positions, only 45% are held by women.

The General Law for Equality between Women and Men establishes in Article 6 that equality between women and men implies the elimination of all forms of discrimination in any area of ​​life, which is generated by belonging to any sex. In addition to establishing the mechanisms and institutional guidelines to comply with substantive equality in the public and private spheres, it grants specific competencies to the Federation, States and Municipalities.


The local Congress is a clear sign of the empowerment of women. Since 2015, for the first time, women representatives were more numerous than men, and the high numbers of women continues in the local congress today.

In this Sixty-Second Legislature, of the 35 local seats, 19 are occupied by female representatives of the different political party factions. With this, the legislative power of Campeche clearly complies with the gender equity quota.


On the other hand, in her last visit to Campeche, María de la Paz López Barajas, General Director of Institutionalization of the Gender Perspective of INMUJERES, highlighted that in the State, the economic participation of women reaches 41 percent, being one of the states in Mexico with the highest figure.

She acknowledged that the percentage of businesswomen who are Campechanas is a sign that women not only stand out as mothers or housewives, but that they are, on many occasions, the head of the family.

Currently, about 40 percent of the workforce in the state is made of women, in places where they were used to be limited for the fact of being a woman, in previous years.


A couple of months ago, the governor of the state, Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas, signed an agreement with the head of the Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU), Rosario Robles Berlanga, to build the City of Women in Campeche this year, with an investment of more than 100 million pesos.

These facilities, will feature 60 thousand square meters, boasting medical, educational, legal advice; training on productive projects, workshops related to life free of violence, as well as academic, sports and psychological activities for children, among others.

Source: campechehoy.mx

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