MÉRIDA, Yuc.- An investment of 3.8 billion pesos will arrive to the Yucatán in the next 10 months with four projects that are being developed in the new industrial center of Hunucmá, including a cardboard factory, a chicken based food processor and a food plant to supply the pig farms of the entity.
The Secretary of Economic Development of the Government of Yucatan, Ernesto Herrera Novelo, stressed that there are two more projects and that their investment amounts and the name of the companies will be announced in time by the state governor.
- Cardboard company Gondi: opens its 15th plant in Yucatán, with an investment of 750 million pesos.
- Logistics company Trimexa with an investment of 650 million pesos, will supply logistics service to Hunucma’s Grupo Modelo Brewery.
- Kekén group with an investment of 1.4 billion pesos, will install a food plant to supply pig farms in the region.
- Grupo Bachoco with an investment of 1 billion pesos will also begin the construction of a chicken nuggets processing plant for export to the United States, in the municipality of Hunucmá.
Herrera Novelo also announced the start-up of two more maquiladoras in the state in the near future.
“There is confidence in in the social peace, skilled labor and high quality human capital of the Yucatan,” said the Secretary of Economic Development.
Source: SIPSE