Merida, Yuc.- An increase in the prices of houses and apartments in the northern zone of Merida has been registered during the first month of this year, 40 thousand (2.2%) on houses, and 75 thousand Mexican pesos (4.8%) on apartments, compared to 2017. The average price of homes went from 1,850,000 pesos to 1,890,000 pesos, and in the case of apartments, average price went from 1,574,900 pesos to 1,650,000 pesos, according to information from
According to this Real Estate web portal, size, price and age of the properties are taken into consideration, as well as the offer percentage by type of building and other relevant statistics.

Construction site in Mérida, Yuc. (Photo: SIPSE) highlights at least 10 zones of Merida feature the largest offer of homes, such as: Cholul, 19%; North Temozón, 10%; Dzityá, 8%; Santa Gertrudis Copó, 8%; center, 6%; Montebello, 3%; Montes de Amé, 3%; Monte Cristo, 2%; Chuburná de Hidalgo, 2%, and Altabrisa, 2%, among others.
It is important to highlight that in the areas mentioned above, housing prices range from $1,754,323 pesos to $3,066,738 pesos.
On the other hand, the areas with the largest offer for apartments are: Santa Gertrudis Copó, 15%; Montebello, 13%; North Temozón, 13%; Montes de Amé, 13%; Altabrisa, 7%; San Ramón Norte, 7%; Monte Cristo, 4%; Loma Bonita Xcum, 4%; Chuburna de Hidalgo, 4%, and Las Margaritas de Cholul, 2%.
The prices of apartments range from $1,095,000 to $4,700,000 pesos.
The portal details that on average, the houses on sale have three bedrooms, three bathrooms, parking space for two vehicles, at least 220 square meters of construction and most of these properties are brand-new.
The analysis of the portal indicates that 86% of the offered properties in the market are houses, and only 14% are apartments.
Regarding the “age” of the buildings, it is specified that 96.97% are new; 1.01 % are between 5 and 9 years old; 1.01 %, between 10 and 19 years, and 1.01%, more than 30 years old.
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