México, Notimex.- A student from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) has been working in the creation of a non-invasive contraceptive kibble for dogs that would inhibit one or two heats (reproductive periods) in the females, as an attempt to avoid the increase in the population of stray dogs in Mexico City.
The doctoral student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics (Facultad de Medicina Veterniaria y Zootecnia: FMVZ) of the UNAM, Sheila Irais Peña Corona explained that this is a natural drug, which they hope will be able to control the overpopulation of dogs. “This project is currently in experimental stage, our idea is to find a solution that is not harmful or invasive as surgical sterilization. as these sometimes cause other health problems on female dogs” said Peña Corona.

Facultad de Medicina Veterniaria y Zootecnia de la UNAM (Photo: Google)
“Among the existing methods that can be harmful to the animal, are the surgical sterilization, progestin (hormonal contraception), androgens and hormones that damage and generate problems such as mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland) and pyometra (uterine infection)”, she continued.
“Through the administration of this natural compound, females will not be completely sterilized, but we can reduce the population significantly by inhibiting one or two heats per dosis of the drug, and this substance is totally safe and innocuous” she said.
Peña Corona, who developed the drug, currently works on this project at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Intragonadal Endocrine Regulation, of the Autonomous Metropolitan University (Laboratorio de Biología Molecular y Regulación Endocrina Intragonadal, de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana: UAM), Iztapalapa campus, in Mexico City.
Source: https://bajopalabra.com.mx/