“Bóreas. El viento del norte” sculptor Jorge Marín exhibition in the Museo de la Ciudad de Merida.
The Museum of the City of Merida is located near Mercado Lucas de Galvez, and is home to a large amount of archeological pieces that help to understand the development of the city from the pre-Hispanic to contemporary times.(Calle 56 529A x 65 y 65A, Centro, 97000 Mérida, Yuc.).
Jorge Marín (México, 1963) is one of the greatest representatives of Mexican figurative art. Throughout his career, his artistic labour has approached different artistic disciplines and materials—as ceramic and resin—, and, after a broad search, he decided to adopt bronce as his medium of expression and turning it into a distinctive sign of his art.

Jorge Marín, mexican sculptor. (Photo: jorgemarin.com.mx)
The exhibition “Bóreas. El viento del norte” of the sculptor Jorge Marín was inaugurated in the City Museum of Merida on January 20. The exhibition is composed of 12 bronze sculptures that belong to the collection “Pago en Especie” of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, and it corresponds to different periods of the artist’s career.
Faithful to his vocation, Jorge Marín continues to propose innovative plastic alternatives, accessible to all audiences, regardless of their environment and culture, and which today are present in more than 20 countries around the world.

El Vuelo (Photo: DY)
“The winged men symbol the eternal desire to fly; masked beings in which the spectator himself could hide; they are representations of the ideal human body, these pieces are reminiscent of classical sculpture and evoke echoes of Greco-Roman mythology and reinterpret human nature through volume and light” explained Marín during the inauguration of the exhibition.
The Museum of the City of Merida is located in the renovated Correo (Post Office) building, just next to the Lucas de Gálvez market. Currently the exhibition “Bóreas. El viento del norte” has not official date of finalization.
Address: Calle 56 529A x 65 y 65A, Centro, 97000 Mérida, Yuc.
It is open from 9 am to 6 pm from Monday to Friday and from 9 am to 2 pm on Saturdays and Sundays. All the exhibitions are free addmision.
Source: razon.com.mx