In January 2017 the cost per kilo was $16.57 pesos, and on November 19 it was $19.76 pesos…
MERIDA – Since the release of LP Gas prices, the cost per tank of 20 kilos has increased its cost by at least 30%. This month consumers realized that they paid $25 pesos more for that product. At the end of 2016, its cost was $272 pesos, the cost per kilo being $13.64, while now in December’s first days, the price was $384.60, with a price per kilo of $19.76.
According to reports from the Energy Regulatory Commission, CRE, this is the third increase registered during the month, however, since the prices were released, this product has increased its cost in an average of $50 pesos for each tank of 20 kilos.
With the beginning of the Christmas season, the consumption of LP Gas increases, despite the significant variations that have been registered during the last 11 months, according to the distribution zones.
According to the reports of the CRE, in January of 2017 when the price of this basic input was released, its cost was an average of $16.57 pesos per kilo, however the prices reported on November 19, were $19.76 pesos per kilo.
The CRE is the body responsible for disclosing the prices established for this and other energy products, cataloging them as follows: for self-consumption and consumption by cylinders, the latter is the cost established for final consumers.
Prices are between 16 and 18 pesos per liter, an amount that since the beginning of the year has varied according to the company and the area, however the price varies on average between 10 and 15 pesos depending on the tank.
Since the release of LP Gas prices, on January 1 of this year, the agency sanctioned 10 companies in the industry for various breaches in the service, mainly security. During 2016, only three companies were sanctioned.