Campeche Governor Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas led the presentation of the Victory cruise line that next year will begin operations in the state with the first season of The Grand Mayan Experience route, leaving an economic impact of $35 million pesos in the state…
CAMPECHE – The new route will depart from Miami, Florida and will include visits to Havana, Cuba; Puerto Morelos and Holbox, Quintana Roo; San Felipe and Progreso, Yucatan, and will end at Seybaplaya, Campeche; from there the cruise will return to Miami.

Campeche Governor Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas at the presentation of Victory Cruise Line (Photo: La Revista Peninsular)
The operations will begin on November 3, 2018 and will end on May 2, 2019; the new route will register 22 arrivals with 202 passengers and 87 crew members, and will guarantee the occupation of 400 hotel rooms per week.
Accompanied by the director of the Mexican Youth Institute (Imjuve), José Manuel Romero Coello, the state governor said that together with the cuise company, it has been possible to build a fundamental project that will put aside the myth that cruises do not arrive to Campeche.
At the Convention and Exhibition Center “Campeche XXI”, Moreno Cárdenas added that Victory will contribute to putting Campeche at the center of tourism development in the region, since by becoming Home Port, it will allow the crew to spend a couple of days to know Campeche better.
“That will also allow us to continue managing and consolidating flights, because once they know the product, they will not only come on cruise ships but also by air; This will allow us to integrate into a peninsular regional development and make it clear that Campeche is a state with cultural, natural, gastronomic and security richness, fundamental to be a tourist destination”, concluded the governor.
The president of Victory Cruise Lines, Bruce Nieremberg, commented that it is the first cruise to touch three important ports in the different states that make up the Yucatan Peninsula, so his approach is not so much with the traditional tourist zone, but cultural.
Victory Cruise Lines is a Miami, Florida-based company that operates cruises in the Great Lakes region of the United States, and offers luxury service to senior passengers.