Expert lauds the tropical fruit’s many curative attributes….
MERIDA — Because of its high content of nutrients, vitamins and medicinal properties, papaya helps to prevent cancer, cardiovascular diseases, skin and eyes maladies, but it has a very low consumption among the population, said Patricia Esquivel Rodríguez, Ph.d. in Food Science and research professor at the University of Costa Rica, at the 5th International Seminar of Papaya, held at the Hotel El Conquistador in Paseo de Montejo.
The scientist has carried out studies on the daily consumption of this fruit, of the red variety. She recommends that the perfect age to start consumption is at 4 years-old to take an advantage of its healthy properties. She noted that at least 300 grams of raw fruit should be eaten daily, and especially red papaya that has high lipotene and caratenoid content, anti-cancer elements, and is a rich source of antioxidants.
To fight against the lack inclusion of papaya in the daily diet, Dr. Esquivel Rodriguez created a puree treated with heat so that it conserves its properties, and now that fruit “smoothies” for weight reduction are in fashion, the puree has greater consumption in the population.