In order to develop better professionals in the nursing field, nursing schools in southeastern Mexico are striving to improve and to promote their research programs….
MERIDA — In order to promote the research works among the students and professors, several Faculties and Nursing Schools of the Southeast Region met in the UADY Nursing Faculty in the Ordinary Meeting of the Association of Nursing Faculties and Schools of Southeast Region (AFEERS), in which participate institutions from the states of Tabasco, Chiapas, Quintana Roo, Campeche and Yucatan.
Presiding the meeting, the president of the AFEERS, Dr. Valentina Rivas Acuña, said that one of the challenges in nursing is to motivate students to take an interest in research.
“We are now reviewing the current research lines, but the challenge is to multiply more efforts in new projects to have a greater impact on society,” she said.

Members of the Association of Nursing Faculties and Schools of Southeast Region (Photo: Diario de Yucatan)
She added that, as part of this meeting, they are also organizing the Regional Research Congress to involve students and teachers in the subject, which is being planned for April 2018.
In addition another of the commitments of the association is to identify new opportunities for student national and international exchanges in order to enrich the students’ skills, she said.
The head of the local staff, Silvia Carola Salas Ortegón, emphasized that nursing institutions are guiding their strategic agendas to raise the academic level of their professionals through the generation and application of knowledge.
She stated the participation of academics is fundamental to this purpose, but also the students in order to contribute to the proposals and ideas on the development of topics of greater impact for the population.
Profesor Daliany Tun González, academic secretary of the UADY Nursery Faculty and executive secretary of the AFEERS, commented that this type of meeting is fundamental to guide agendas of common work between the schools and faculties of the discipline.
“These meetings allow the exchange of academic and research experiences in order to guide the work, but above all, to multiply results for the benefit of the university, the community and the society in general,” she said.
The Association also has the firm intention of maintaining the quality and excellence of the educational programs offered by affiliated schools in order to remain certified before the Mexican Council for Nursing Accreditation.