Medical conference on cardiology from September 25th to 28th
MERIDA — Doctors of the Yucatecan Society of Cardiology continue their titanic struggle against the nutritional style of the Yucatecans, with the purpose of reducing the risks of contracting cardiovascular and degenerative diseases.
They are worried about Yucatan being in first national place in obesity and overweight, fourth in deaths due to cardiovascular diseases and in the first place also in diabetes.
That is why, on Monday through Wednesday Sept. 25-27, in the central building of the Autonomous University of Yucatan, World Heart Week 2017 will be held, which will consist in of a series of free specialized medical activities and conferences to try to ensure, once more, that Yucatecans get a healthier life.

Drs. David Arjona Canto, Ruben Omar Yza Villanueva, Adriana Angelina Ortega Gutierrez y Eddie Favela Pérez
(Photo: Diario de Yucatan, Emanuel Rincón Becerra)
Dr. Adriana Angelina Ortega Gutiérrez, president of the Yucatecan Society of Cardiology; Eddie Favela Perez, secretary; Rubén Yza Villanueva and David Arjona Canto, members of the advisory council of the group, declared that the intention of these medical days of risk detection and academic diffusion intend to inform the population about the risk factors of suffering cardiovascular disease due to bad alimentation habits, addiction to tobacco and lack of physical activity.
In addition, they said, willpower, awareness and simple habits change can reduce risk factors by 50%, which translates into better health, quality of life and great economic savings because the control and treatment of cardiovascular disease costs 25 times more than any other human disease and can cause disability due to a stroke.
They explained that the World Heart Federation, promoter of these days together with the Mexican Association for the Prevention of Atherosclerosis, proposes to reduce cardiovascular diseases by 25% in 2025 among its affiliates. Howeve it is a very difficult issue because Mexicans haven’t the culture of self-care for the improvement of health. This is proven because although the person knows that he is overweight or obese, he is a habitual smoker and bad food harmful continues with his harmful habits and vices.
“By simply eliminating the consumption of products with excess fat, sodium and sugars,adding more fiber, fruit, vegetables and fish to the diet and a physical activation of half an hour a day will change to a healthier lifestyle.” Dr. Ortega said.
The conference will be divided into two parts: the llectures will kick off by Dr. Yza Villanueva, at 10 o’clock in the Auditorium “Manuel Cepeda Peraza”, continuing with “Sedentarism as a cardiovascular risk factor”, by Dr. Román Gómez Durán, and “Obesity and overweight as a public health problem in Mexico”, by the nutritionist Gabriela Martínez Serrano.
On Tuesday Sept. 26 there will be three other conferences, and Wednesday 27 will conclude the event with three more papers and consultations with people with potential risk. The medical modules will run from 8am to 12 pm on all three days. There will be free services of measurement of weight, size and BMI, measurement of waist, determination of capillary blood glucose, blood pressure check and delivery of informative leaflets. The consultations will be limited to 100 people per day and will be attended as they arrive at the modules.