LA PAZ, Baja California Sur (BCS) — According to the news website, Baja California Sur (BCS) has set a new record for number of executions, with a total of 313, which makes 2017 the most violent period in the history of the state.
This is a record figure since July 31, 2014, when the phenomenon of violence began in BCS.
In 2014, the number of executions totaled 52 victims in BCS, in a year in which all crimes of this type took place in La Paz, the state capital.
By 2015, the phenomenon intensified, exceeding by more than 100 percent the number reported in 2014: 135 people were killed in violent crimes in the state: 123 of them in La Paz, 11 in Los Cabos and 1 in Comondú.
2016 continued with the same trend in terms of organized crime-related intentional homicides, and according to the law enforcement authorities of the BCS Coordination Group, that year closed with 196 executions: 128 in La Paz, 45 in Los Cabos, 15 in Comondú, 7 in Mulegé and 1 in Loreto.
But during the first 8 months of 2017, the wave of violence has surpassed the figures that were already records in previous years: 313 violent deaths have been registered so far in the state, turning the municipality of Los Cabos into the most violent region in Baja California Sur.
This information was obtained through the documentation of each and every case by local authorities, as well as through the press releases that the State Attorney General’s Office (PGJE) sends to the national and international media.
There is a discrepancy between the number of homicides that appear in organizations such as Semáforo Delictivo and the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP), which report fewer cases than have actually been documented.
In general terms, this wave of violence has reached almost 700 executions between July 31, 2014 and August 29, 2017.