CANCÚN — Due to the fact that the number of visitors to Cancún — the main tourist destination in Mexico and Latin America – has grown substantially for the last few years, airport authorities decided to expand and improve Cancun International Airport’s facilities and services in order to receive a greater number of national and international tourists.
For this summer season, the State Secretary of Tourism Marisol Vanegas Perez informed: “We expect the arrival of 2.2 million travelers in our paradise and if this figure is achieved, it will be a new record for Cancún”.

Cancun International Airpot’s premises (La Verdad Noticias)
During a working tour through the state of Quintana Roo, the Federal Secretary of Tourism, Enrique de la Madrid Cordero, highlighted that Terminal IV at Cancún International Airport will open its doors soon, impacting the number of sold tickets, which will reach a figure of 9 million this year. It means a significant growth in terms of operations.
De la Madrid also urged new connections between the airport and other destinations such as the Riviera Maya, so that in a meeting with Governor Carlos Joaquin González, these topics and others related to security will be discussed.
“Despite the facts of violence in Quintana Roo, the figures of the International Airport of Cancún show an important growth this year, reaching nine percent compared to last year. In this regard, we realized a large number of visitors still choosing our destination”, said the secretary.
Finally, he emphasized that for the moment there is no project for a new airport in Quintana Roo, however, it is most likely that in the medium term the construction of an air strip will be projected, where smaller aircraft will be housed for local connections complementing current airline services.