Home Business-newBusiness New Walmart Distribution Center set for Yucatán

New Walmart Distribution Center set for Yucatán

by Yucatan Times
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Mexico’s major grocery store chain, Walmart Mexico and Central America, will invest 650 million pesos ($36 million USD) in the construction of a new Distribution Center (Cedis) in Yucatan, which seeks to expand — as well as strengthen — its logistics network in the country.

“This new business unit will positively impact the state’s production infrastructure, since it will not only generate more than 500 direct and 250 indirect jobs, but it will also expand its supply network to the states of Campeche and Quintana Roo. This will reach more places in less time, which will eventually boost the investment made and attract more local suppliers”, Walmart’s executives stated.

Photo: El Financiero

Currently, Walmart Mexico and Central America has 36 business units in Yucatan; 10 Bodega Aurrera stores, 11 “Mi Bodegas Aurrera”, five “Bodegas Aurrera Express”, three Sam’s Club, one Superama, and six Walmarts. This means that the approximate historical investment of the company in Yucatan amounts to more than $3,138 billion pesos. The company reported that Walmart México and Central America has generated 3,457 permanent jobs in 14 municipalities of the state: Mérida, Halacho, Hunucma, Izamal, Motul, Kanasin, Oxkutzcab, Tekax, Tixkokob, Tizimín, Ticul, Uman, Valladolid and Progreso.

Miguel Cavazza, vice-president of the Logistics and Distrution area at Walmart México and Central America, mentioned that the company has been a pioneer in integrating logistics into its business model, as well as looking for the best places and conditions to invest in. “The outcome has resulted in significant growth accompanied by unprecedented productivity rates in the commercial industry,” he expressed.

Likewise, Rolando Zapata Bello, Governor of Yucatan, indicated that this investment confirms the good economic direction of the state.

SOURCE: El Financiero

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