“Cancún families will have to separate their waste in organic and recyclable, because the collection service will go through each of them on different days”, explained Óscar Ramírez Martínez, municipal director of the Environmental Management Unit of Integral Solution of Solid Waste (Siresol).
“The program will start in two months, although the director admitted that it will take approximately one year for all citizens to effectively become aware and take up the habit of separating their garbage”, reports Noticaribe.
Now the garbage is collected together in Cancún; and specialized personnel, dedicated to the waste separation, work in the state’s sanitary landfill through a process that uses a system of bands to classify the material.

The ongoing program seeks that waste sorting can occur manually at the household and the organic waste will be sent to a special composite process, without reaching the landfill and reducing 40% the daily amount of waste material in that site. This land would be used to fertilize the public areas of the municipality.
“Most of the problems are the result of bad management of organic waste, as it generates greenhouse gases and leachates. Through this campaign, citizens will help us to avoid burying these wastes”, declared Ramirez Martinez.
As the concessionaire does not have specialized garbage trucks, each type of waste will be collected in separate schedules, which means that Cancun residents will have to take out their organic and recyclable garbage on different weekdays.
Source: http://noticaribe.com.mx