Hurricane forecast 2017: 11 cyclones could appear in the Atlantic

Hurricane Dean approaches the Yucatan Peninsula in 2007. (MAP:

The University of Colorado predicts the formation of 11 tropical cyclones.

Despite the intense heat in the region, a new forecast indicates that the hurricane season will be below average.

The University of Colorado, whose report was cited by the Twitter @ClimaYucatan account, says that, according to the weather conditions, 11 tropical cyclones will be formed, that is, named.

(Chart: Twitter Account @ClimaYucatan)

Of the 11 tropical cyclones, only four of them will reach the category of hurricane and only two are expected to be really strong.

Recently, experts gathered in Merida, at the International Seminar on Hurricanes 2017, said that extreme heat conditions are conducive to the formation of more cyclones.

Another point is the possible development of the El Niño phenomenon in eastern Pacific waters for this 2017 is at a weak stage. As it is normal, this phenomenon tends to limit cyclonic formation in the Atlantic.

Despite this, we must be prepared for this hurricane season, which is soon to start. It must be kept in mind that the most important thing is not the number of cyclones that can develop, but the most important is the path taken by these phenomena. A single hurricane or storm that touches our state could result in a catastrophic season.


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