A spine-chilling new novel by a Merida writer will be presented and discussed at a public forum 7 p.m. Friday March 17 as part of the International Book Fair of Yucatan (FILEY).
The free session on “Libranos del Mal” (“Deliver Us from Evil”) at Gran Museo del Mundo Maya will be led by author José Urioste, a Merida native who is director of 2b Business Consultants and The Yucatan Times in Merida.
The plot line of Urioste’s “Libranos del Mal” has been described as in the vein of “The DaVinci Code”: “The devil is on the prowl. It is embedded in the depths of the Church and seeks to destroy it from its foundations … “Libranos del Mal” is a dark novel, with brutal and shocking rituals of exorcism and death, set in a suffocating atmosphere of violence and fear, with a breathtaking ending.”
Urioste’s new novel, in electronic format, will be on sale on amazon.com starting March 17 at: https://www.amazon.com.mx/…/d/B06XGP62ND/ref=mp_s_a_1_1…
Go to http://joseurioste.mx/ and download the first chapter of “Líbranos del Mal” (in Spanish), absolutely free!
For more information on Urioste and “Libranos del Mal,” please visit http://joseurioste.mx/.

Mr. Urioste, Yucatecan by birth, is pretty well known by many prominent members of the Ex-pat community in Mérida, and he would be delighted to see them all at his book’s presentation, Friday March 17, 7:00 pm at Museo del Mundo Maya. See you there!
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