Peña Nieto’s, Donald Trump’s and many other political characters’ “memes” are just every day business for all Mexicans either on social networks or on their cell phones or tablets.
On Friday, 3 Feb, 2017 an Immigration and Naturalization agent on the Tijuana border with San Diego, California, withdrew a Mexican citizen’s visa because he found a “meme” on her cell phone mocking President Donald Trump. This Mexican woman was crossing the border in Tijuana with a tourist visa.
The case was reported by local radio station Formula but the person´s name was not made public, according to Ansa Latina.

The ‘mistake’ of this Mexican woman was having on her mobile phone a picture mocking the U.S president. (Photo: Google)
Journalist Denise Maerker from Televisa revealed that her correspondent in Tijuana interviewed this person who declared that she went to the border, and she was standing in line on the bridge, when an immigration agent “asked to see her cell phone”, and noticing that she had images that made fun of Donald Trump, denied her the entry to the U.S. and snatched her visa.
The informant promised to give later details of the case, which generated wide reactions in social networks.
“We must be careful because all Mexicans carry these kinds of images on our phones, and this could now prevent us from entering the United States,” Maerker said.
1 comment
They’d probably delete your birth certificate so you don’t exist.
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