LIMA, Peru — The Pacific Alliance (Alianza del Pacífico), that includes Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Peru, made a wager for unity “just as isolationist movements gained strength in some parts of the world,” emphasized President Enrique Nieto Peña.
In an article published in the Peruvian newspaper La República, the Mexican leader underlined his belief that the Pacific Alliance is a veritable platform for regional integration based on economic openness and inclusion.
During his attendance at the official Peruvian presidential transmission, Peña Nieto said that countries that comprise this block are convinced that “the road is open, not closed, and we are firmly moving toward the free circulation of people, goods, services and capital.”
This the deepest and most innovative mechanism of integration in the history of Latin America, said the president, who put that forth to the Peruvian president, encouraging interaction with the observing countries.
Likewise, the head of federal government established a dialogue with the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum and gave a renewed push to the small and medium-sized enterprises (PYMES) of the nations.
In the case of Mexico-Peru relations, Peña Nieto affirmed that he has increased bilateral dialogue in all areas and that the two countries “share the same vision of development, and we are working so that our policies will result in more prosperity for our societies. Peru and Mexico are continuing to strengthen of our bonds of friendship and cooperation, in search of better opportunities for our peoples.” He emphasized that this would continue under the government of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski.