Cancun Maya Children’s Ballet to perform in South America and China

CANCUN — The Mayan Children’s Folkloric Ballet of Cancun, from Technical High School (EST) No. 22 “Juana Inés de la Cruz,” continues its preparation for the 2016 international tour, which will start this July and culminate in China, once the current school year ends, reported Edgar Hendricks Cahuich, director of the group.

“We are working on different projects. The first is the group presentation at the International Dance Festival organized by the Yutavaso Foundation, led by Consuelo Cavanzo and Francisco Rodriguez, an event that will take place in Bogota, Colombia, from 14 to 27 July, ” Hendricks said.

He explained further that during their stay, the group will present a varied program that combines both Maya dances and dances from the states of Yucatan and Jalisco, which are emblematic of regional folklore and diverse expressions of Mexico.

Cancun Maya Childrens’ Folkloric Ballet. (PHOTO:

Similarly, he reported that on Sept. 29 the group will attend the second international meeting of dance “La Paz Wonderful”, an event that organized by the Ministry of Culture of La Paz, Bolivia, where the Cancun dancers will present choreographies representative of the Mayan traditions in different aspects.

In the event countries of our continent will show the best of their folklore and promote their culture through dance, Hendricks said.

Hendricks Cahuich announced that he is also at work on the structure of a repertoire for presentation at the Tenth International Festival “Dancing in the Pearl of the North” 2016, a cultural event that will take the place in the Valley of Jequetepeque, Department of Libertad in Peru, which will take place from November 7 to 17.

It is a festival that involves groups of folk dancers, drawn from Latin American countries and special guests from other continents, he said.

He said he is preparing a repertoire with choreographies five different shows, prints and typical dances of Mexico.

Finally, the interviewee recalled that the Cancun Mayan Children’s Folkloric Ballet will culminate the 2016  international tour in the People’s Republic of China, where they will visit between late November and early December this year, the cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Xian, for presentation of an extravaganza on “The Maya and the Fiesta Mexicana”.

“The invitation to these international events is a recognition of the achievements, which has earned our group for more than 20 years of existence, with hard work, perseverance and full support of parents,” he said.


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