Violent clash between Chablekal residents and police produces rights abuse allegations

In Chablekal, a small community in Merida’s northeastern fringes, police eviction of an elderly man produced a violent confrontation with several hundred residents which resulted in looting of a shop and several arrests.

Local media reported that about 300 residents gathered in the vicinity of 20th Street between 21 and 23 Street in Chablekal to prevent a man from from being evicted from his property. It was Salvador Chi Euan, 83 years old.

About 200 state police officers carried out the eviction, but people threw stones and other objects at the police.


The police officers fired tear gas against the residents. It should be noted that there is a version that indicates that the police attacked first.

Indignacion A.C., a human rights organization, said through a statement that five people were arrested illegally. The group said it did not know where the detained individuals where being held or by what authorities.


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