The kidnappers were aboard two separate vehicles and allegedly grabbed the woman near the intersection of Calle 42 Sur and Calle 103. Authorities suspect that a debt owed by the woman’s former son-in-law was behind the alleged abduction.
Arrests came quickly in a brazen daylight kidnapping in south Merida of a 60 year-old woman by five black-clad subjects, after the kidnappers were pursued by police in a high-speed chase on the Periferico expressway.
Although the kidnappers reportedly were armed, the pursuit and arrests were achieved without shots being fired in the incident that unfolded on the streets of Colonia Santa Rosa Wednesday March 2.
The kidnappers were aboard two separate vehicles and allegedly grabbed the woman near the intersection of Calle 42 Sur and Calle 103. Authorities suspect that a debt owed by the woman’s former son-in-law was behind the alleged abduction.
According to preliminary reports, three men traveling in a car with plates 684 VND from the Federal District, grabbed Blanca Magaña Bast, 60 years old, who was wearing a white sweater and a pink skirt.
Apparently the men, who were dressed in black, took the woman on 42nd Street crossing south on 103rd Street in the Colonia Santa Rosa and made several turns around the area as they allegedly tried to extort relatives.
Supposedly the persecution began in Ciudad Caucel. The victim was taken to a hospital for injuries to her arm from a struggle with the kidnappers.Intense persecution at night on the Perifico involved police from the Public Security Ministry who chased a car in which were riding three subjects with the kidnapped person.The kidnapping happened in broad daylight on Calle 42 at Calle 103 south of Merida. Blanca Magaña Basto, 60 years old, left home and went to Mass, but five people dressed in black, in two vehicles approached the woman and forced her at gunpoint into a Chevrolet Malibu, plates 684- YND from DF. The police launched a search operation on different roads and sealed exits of the city.
After a chase, three male subjects got off the car and started running. The subjects were arrested when they tried to take shelter in a supermarket.
The woman was rescued immediately, assessed by paramedics and taken to hospital for attention.