The Finance Secretariat (SHCP) has announced that households that use the least amount of power will see a 2% decrease on their electricity bills starting today Friday January 1st 2016, following the trend seen during the past year.
The secretariat said there has been an accumulated decrease of 4% in power rates since 2014, and that in real terms, after taking projected inflation rates through 2016 into account, the reduction in the user’s power bill will be close to 10%.
This adjustment, said the SCHP, benefits more than 33 million households.

The National Electricity Company (CFE) will tender 24 power projects, covering major natural gas pipelines to electricity generation and distribution.
The reduction was achieved by the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) through lower production costs, as well as the implementation of the energy reforms and the resulting efficiency gains. There will be no negative impact on its revenues.
Beginning tomorrow, the entity tasked with defining power rates for consumers on the low end of the scale will be the SHCP, while other users’ rates will be regulated and updated monthly by the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE).
Energy generation costs have come down as a result of the decline in the prices of the main fuels used to generate electrical energy, the SHCP said.
– Source: