Home NewsPeninsulaBeach Communities Man drowns on the beach of Progreso

Man drowns on the beach of Progreso

by Yucatan Times
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A man died this Thursday January 16 in the port of Progreso after drowning after entering the sea. The incident took place at approximately 5 in the afternoon, on the beach at 21st and 56th Street.

According to what was learned, several people, including workers from a nearby construction site, said they saw the man walking along the beach, but not when he entered the sea.

When they realized the man was floating in the sea approximately 30 meters away. Concerned about seeing what was not coming out of the water, they called the emergency services.

The first to arrive were agents of the Municipal Police, an officer of this corporation being the one who went into the sea to get him out.

Then the emergency services, police, and paramedics from the Ministry of Public Security (SSP) as well as the Red Cross arrived. Since their arrival, they did everything possible to save the subject’s life, and for at least half an hour they applied CPR, but finally, it was determined that he no longer had vital signs. At the moment, the man remains unknown and he was alone in the beach area since there was no one around to claim the body.

TYT Newsroom

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